for Germany and
You can only register a return within 14 days of the invoice date.
Once the first 14 days have expired, we may pause your payment statement for 14 days during the return process.
There may be several reasons why you cannot register a return via our Riverty app or in the Riverty web app:
You can only register one return per invoice via the Riverty app or the Riverty web app.
There may also be other reasons why a return notification is not authorised for your order.
This does not stop you from returning your goods, please check the returns policy in your online shop.
If you have any further questions about paying for your order with returns, please contact our customer service team.
for Switzerland:
You can only register a return within 30 days of the invoice date.
Once the first 30 days have expired, we may pause your payment statement for 14 days during the return process.
There may be several reasons why you cannot register a return via the Riverty web app:
You can only register one return per invoice via the Riverty web app.
There may also be other reasons why a return notification is not authorised for your order.
This does not stop you from returning your goods, please check the returns policy in your online shop.
If you have any further questions about paying for your order with returns, please contact our customer service team.