for Germany,
Austria and
I sent my return more than 20 days ago
If you sent your return more than 20 days ago and the online shop has not yet processed it, it is important that you contact the online shop and send a copy of your return receipt to the online shop by email. In the meantime, you may have received reminders from us. As soon as the online shop sends us a message that your return has been processed, they will send us a credit note for the return.
We recommend that you always already pay for the products you have kept.
Tip: Keep your proof of return in a safe place. You will need it to prove that you have returned your order.
I have received reminders but the online store has not processed my return yet
We advise you to pay your outstanding invoice and send the online shop your proof of return. If the online shop sends us a message that your return has been processed, we will automatically transfer the money back to your account within a few working days.
I no longer have a proof of return
If you no longer have a proof of return, there is unfortunately nothing we can do for you and we will have to ask you to pay the outstanding invoice. It is then advisable to contact the online shop where you placed the order. As soon as the online shop has processed your return, we will automatically receive a credit note. In the meantime, it is advisable to pay the outstanding amount; you will then no longer receive any reminders from us.